Female Founder
The guns are out, the bun is up and this Female Founder is celebrating ALL the incredible women in my life.
I was asked to join the campaign #FemaleFoundersUnite led by the powerhouse female founder @hollytucker!!!
Did you know….? Women-led small businesses contribute £85 BILLION to the Uk’s economic output every year. EVERY YEAR!
I founded my business with graft, grit & determjnation…& I am SO proud to be a female founder & to know & support other female founded businesses.
To celebrate International Women’s Day and this campaign I’ve sent some of my favourite female founders a little bit of happy post. A reminder from me that you are an inspiration. We are a community – THE community! Fellow Female Founders. Us. Together! …join the campaign trail #FemaleFoundersUnite! You’ve got this & you’re doing it SO VERY WELL!
With all my love from Dartmoor x
Ps. My brilliant daughter snapped this pic…a female founder in the making